Friday, June 5, 2009

Week # 3 Eureka Moment

So my Eureka moment this week concerned a story a friend and I shared about her visit to the doctor's. She was there with her nephew, and had him sitting on her lap. There were 2 gentlemen there who had brought their children in for visits as well which was awkward to see she said but I guess they were playing the roles of Mr. Mom. A pregnant woman walked in with her toddler in her hand and there were no seats available. The men watched this woman stand there without offering their seats and finally my friend said she got up and sacrificed her seat because it seemed the men were not going to do it. My question is #1 were these men expected to give up their seats because they were men? #2 Did the fact that they were Mr. Moms give them every right to stay in their seats because in essence, if they were actual moms, they probably would not have been expected to get up. I am curious to see what you guys thinks.

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