Friday, June 26, 2009

Kesha Comment

Cecilia K. said...
I would have to agree with you cousin on this one. In regards to safety, I feel a male is better able to handle himself because you rarely hear cases of men being raped compared to the numerous amounts of females that are sexually attacked yearly. Most females have to carry small weapons or other protective devices in order to feel safe working at a job like that. I think they are both degrading jobs to have whether male or female, but the threat men face is very minimal or nonexistent.
June 26, 2009 6:18 PM

Week # 6 Eureka Moment

My Eureka moment took place today. I went to visit a cousin of mine who has 2 roomies and they are both male. She has always complained to me about her roommates being messy and annoying but I never knew they were male. She forgot to mention this little part. She says they eat, and leave dishes in the sink. And of course its her food they are eating in those dishes. I always told her to ignore her roommates and to tidy up because she doesnt want to deal with rodents and bugs in her home. When I went to visit, and realized they were males, my whole outlook on the situation changed. I felt like they knew she would clean it up or expected her to clean it up because she was a female. They would even ask her to get them stuff from the fridge. I do not know if this is because of ehr personality type, or if these are men with the mindset of cavemen who feel like women are to be subservient to them. What do you think? Did my cousin allow this to happen? Should she continue to tidy up after them because after all it is her home also?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Response to Nicole F

Cecilia K. said...
I have a saying when it comes to business and it goes like this, if you give a customer an inch they will take a yard. Every customer is out there trying to find the BEST and CHEAPEST way to get services or goods they need and have no concern how it affects the supplier. She was not discriminated againsts, but she was hurt because they called her out on her terrible behavior and decided to get back at them the only way she knew how and that was through their business.
June 19, 2009 5:06 PM

Response to Tiffany

Cecilia K. said...
Men are very territorial and at times they seem to feel as though this includes the women that they are very fortunate enough to be dating. I agree wholeheartedly with you when you got ticked off because he cant give you a title that he has yet to "earn". And you are your own person and can talk to anyone you want as long as it is not in a disrespectful manner to him. He may feel as though you are his fiance and he wants to marry you but money is a problem, but if he feels it in his mind and heart, then the symbol of a ring should not matter. This is why we have common law marriages even.
June 19, 2009 4:54 PM

Week #5 Eureka moment

My favorite aunt and her husband recently had a beautiful babygirl and I had the pleasure of babysitting her this week. Through a conversation with them, I found out that my aunt was able to take maternity leave for three months. When I asked my uncle if he was able to get anytime off from work, he said barely a week. His boss was giving him such a hard time about the situation and I was very shocked. But apparently, the time that my uncle would be taking off would greatly affect the work being done in the company and the boss basically made that decision for him. I was wondering if the same decision would have been made for a female employee. I highly doubt it. There ar times that men endure certain things and can't speak up. If he had taken this up with his boss, he could have risked losing his job and he couldnt afford to do that considering he has a newborn to raise. Do people feel that there are great burdens that men face sometimes based on the roles dictated to them by society? Is there a different type of sexism in the workplace when it comes to paternity leave?

Friday, June 12, 2009


Cecilia K. said...
Hey Tonya... society has many problems and we have a long way to go. Even when it comes to ADD or ADHD in boys, sometimes parents mistake it for "boys just being boys". I have a few cousins who have NOW been properly diagnosed with ADHD, but prior to that their parents just associated their hyperactive nature to them being boys. Is that to say boys are just generally more wild than girls?
June 12, 2009 5:50 PM


Cecilia K. said...
This did make me laugh! After a stressful week, it was well deserved. There are certain foods that might take away the sexiness in a woman when you see her eating it. A salad is considered woman food because it is not messy and it also helps with weight control. These are the restrictions society has placed on the genders and we live by them. Well I don't but many do. A man ordering a salad on a date would look strange to me. I eat like 3 men and love it! Food was made for ALL human beings to eat, and the day I put down a slab of ribs because my partner gives me the "eye" is the day I would have lost the very essence of me. It is our duty to defy norms and stereotypes set forth by society. Long live the women who know how to order REAL food when they go out to eat because they have REAL stomachs.
June 12, 2009 5:36 PM